This week started off extremely hot with 90 degree weather and no AC. We went to the pool, played outside in the shade and ate out for dinner most nights.
We had ideal weather for the fourth though, high 70’s with a sunny afternoon. We started of the day early at Green Lake with Tom, Emily and Kenny. We got a great spot with a picnic table right on the water. The downside to this… a hippie drum circle banged un-rhythmically on their drums 30 feet away from us for 4 hours. Then we headed over to Debbie and Gabe’s for the evening and ate Chicken cooked in their backyard wood burning stove, followed up by some toasty s’mores and other great food from their garden.
Aiden and our house got to be featured in some footage for a baby monitor ad at work.
We started the day off right with bacon and egg for 4th of July breakfast.
Aiden has grown just enough hair on the top of his head for a mini mohawk.
Aiden is climbing the stairs daily now.
His dad’s hair is very good at tickling his belly.