A New Season

I started my new job and Aiden got his second ear infection, so Andrew and I each had to miss a day of work because he had a fever for about 3 days. Luckily work was understanding.

Naps with a snuggly baby are rare in our house. This little guy just never stops, so we take full advantage when he’s sick to get in any baby cuddles we can. 
We visited Mr. Mike at ATG during his last week, the day before I started my new job. Aiden put on a little concert in Mike’s office. 
 We got the Special Edition Madden 25 which came with Direct TV’s NFL Sunday Ticket. So without cable, we can watch most of the sunday football games… and Aiden is ready!
 My new spot at Responsys with a 27″ Mac… totally spoiled 😛
 Team happy hour after my first week, and Max came too 🙂
 Aiden and I went to Wayzgoose where Responsys was participating in the steam roller poster printing competition for the first year. (Thanks Henry Alva for letting me swipe a few of your pictures for my blog post.)
 Eating dirt at the park… because swings and other kids are just no fun.
 Spaghetti and broccolini, NOM NOM NOM!
He walked himself 5 houses up the hill and stopped to pick up some leaves along the way. 

Mastering his toys…

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