Andrew and I got to enjoy 4 full days alone in our house with Oliver since our families were more than happy to have Aiden in Indiana. It was very cherished time.
Andrew’s family arrived on Thursday to meet Oliver. We managed to have enough beds for 7 adults, twin 4 month olds, a 3 week old and a 3 year old in our 2 bedroom, 1600 sq ft house (we borrowed 2 pack n’ plays).
All the cousins!
All their grandkids!
Aaren and Josh ran around with Aiden, taking him snow tubing and to the Seattle Aquarium (We are still hearing about the paper he saw in the water).
We’re sad to see our month of family visits ending. Our fridge and freezer are full, and we’re probably as well rested as we’re going to be for the next several weeks. This is the start of Andrew and I on our own with the 2 boys. Luckily, Andrew still has two more weeks off for us to continue easing into our new life.