This is Aiden’s pre-k class. He refused to even look at the camera.
We baked peanut butter cookies.
We’ve been playing outside and having lots of fun with Arshan.
We made bird feeders using pinecones and peanut butter with Arshan. Oliver was the peanut butter tester.
There’s a theater near us that does kid plays throughout the year, and we’ve been to several. This time we saw Rapunzel. This was the first time Oliver joined us and he enjoyed it!
We loaded up the car to slumber party in Seattle and celebrate Graham’s birthday.
We’ve been adding a few more landscaping bricks around the house to frame in some of the not-so-grassy areas. I hesitate to call them flower beds as they don’t contain any healthy, growing plants. I love to wrangle everyone into going to Ben Franklin with me (even though alone usually ends up being a lot easier).
Our neighborhood owl has been spotted frequently the last couple of weeks.